
Screenshot from Medium

This week, the article I wrote along with Enrique Fueyo for our “Building” publication is getting 30k views. It’s one of our most-viewed articles, followed by “Our journey from WebSockets to HTTP/2” (10k) and “Embracing the power of styled-components” (7.3k).

It started as an idea from Enrique, based on using the power of our technology to understand language, but focusing on a technical discussion instead of socia media comments, surveys or legal documents.

Once we got the data, I spent some time during the next following 3 days to analyze the patterns and understand more about each framework in order to share relevant insights.

The impact

After publishing it, our long-time reddit user and coworker, Alberto Restifo, shared it on /r/programming. The discussion exploded. That day the article got dozens of shares on twitter. It was followed by newsletters from all around the world sharing it. All that being said, the main referres are these ones:


Referrers from the story

Note the impact of Medium’s network power. We also see multiple blogs that are hosted on Medium as a source of more than 1k views. This is probably due to the related articles that are shown at the bottom of the stories.

At, we are currently working in three lines of content with a differente audience. We write about engineering, data science, and our company culture (how we do things). Regarding data science, the content is split into entry-level and more advanced topics. Each line have their own impact and objective.


Spending time in quality content is always a good strategy. There is so much published every day that is critical to generate something worth reading for your audience.